We are ready for The Rural Workshop, a meeting of photographers from all over the world gathered in a camping in Santa Susana, Barcelona, for 4 days. The Rural is organized by the photographer and friend, Roberto Ramos, and this idea was born from Corera, also a meeting of photographers a little smaller and in which I had the luck to attend. I remember Corera with much affection, all sleeping in a huge room on mattresses on the floor and talking about photography day and night. There I met Roberto Ramos and the Mexican photographers Daniel Aguilar and Fer Juaristi; photographers who have marked my learning during these years dedicated to wedding photography and which I admire by their professional and personal talent.
It has been 5 years since Corera and now The Rural is not only limited to wedding photography, its philosophy is much more eclectic and brings together in a very interesting way other photographic genres. Photographers such as the National Photography Prize, Alberto García-Alíx, french photographer Theo Gosselin, Kirsten Lewis, who is a family documentary photographer, the germans Paul Liebt Paula, Azul Clarito casi Blanco, to name a few.
For me it is very important and obligatory to be in continuous learning and extremely interesting to attend such meetings, because as a photographer, it is important to know with whom you surround yourself and whom you want to learn. Because in reality there is no wedding photography as such, it is a simple label, there is photography and the ones that meet there look for this, to learn, share and enjoy our passion, Photography.